
Commands the bot currently features

The commands are broken up into three different sections:

  • Moderation

  • Utility

  • Settings

Each of these sections contain different commands that can be used to assist you in your daily needs running a guild.


The moderation section has what you'd expect it to, moderation commands. The commands are listed below, in order of how they appear in the bots help command.


Aliases: banlist, listbans Description: List all of the currently banned users. Usage: gg-bans


Aliases: idban Description: Ban a user (by ID) who isn't actively in the guild. Usage: gg-hackban <user> (reason) Example: gg-hackban 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: hb Description: Permanently ban a user and delete their messages from 24 hours prior. Usage: gg-hackban <user> (reason) Examples: gg-hardban @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-hardban 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: yeet Description: Kick a user from your guild. Usage: gg-kick <user> (reason) Examples: gg-kick @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-kick 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: mod Description: Access a users moderation history. Usage: gg-moderation (user) (resolve/unresolve/edit/page) (caseID/page/new case reason) Examples: gg-moderation @rudy#0002 gg-moderation 629841787720302593 gg-moderation resolve 1 Was very kind gg-moderation unresolve 1 Insulted me gg-moderation edit 1 Being mean to me gg-moderation page 2 Explanation: Simply running the command gg-moderation will return the 10 newest infractions in the guild. If you'd like to see the next 10 infractions, you can use gg-moderation <page number> to skip forward 10 infractions, the same works on a regular user. resolve will mark an infraction as true, meaning it'll invalidate the infraction (pardons the infraction), you may also put in a new optional reason for the infraction. Leave blank for the old case reason. unresolve will mark an infraction as false, meaning it'll validate the infraction (if already resolved), you may also put in a new optional reason for the infraction. Leave blank for the old case reason. edit will edit an infractions reason. page will access the next page of infractions of the user or guild.


Aliases: yeet Description: Mute a user for an optional timed amount. Usage: gg-mute<user> [time] [reason] Examples: gg-kick @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-kick 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: ban Description: Permenantly ban a user and delete their messages from 7 days prior. Usage: gg-kick <user> [reason] Examples: gg-pban @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-pban 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: nuke Description: Purge up to 100 messages and younger than 14 days from the channel. Usage: gg-purge <amount> Examples: gg-purge 69


Aliases: sb Description: Ban a user from a guild then quickly unban to delete a users messages from 24 hours prior. Usage: gg-softban <user> (reason) Examples: gg-softban @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-softban 629841787720302593 Being mean


Aliases: tban Description: Temporarily ban a user from your guild for up to 30 days. Currently disabled. Usage: gg-kick <user> (time) (reason) Examples: gg-tempban @rudy#0002 2d Being mean gg-tempban 629841787720302593 2d Being mean


Aliases: None Description: Unbans a user from your guild. Usage: gg-unban<user> (reason) Examples: gg-unban 629841787720302593 Being nice


Aliases: None Description: Unmute a muted user. Usage: gg-unmute <user> [reason] Examples: gg-unmute @rudy#0002 Forgiven gg-unmute 629841787720302593 Forgiven


Aliases: None Description: Warn a user in the guild. Usage: gg-warn <user> (reason) Examples: gg-warn @rudy#0002 Being mean gg-warn 629841787720302593 Being mean



Aliases: None Description: List some stats about the bot. Usage: gg-botstats


Aliases: cd Description: Clear all data actively stored by the bot on your guild. Usage: gg-cleardata <yes/no>


Aliases: commands, cmds Description: List all bot commands or info about a specific command. Usage: gg-help (command)


Aliases: None Description: See the bots ping Usage: gg-ping


Aliases: ranks Description: Set up to 5 custom ranks for users to join in the guild. Usage: gg-rank (create/delete/list) <role name> Examples: gg-rank Tester (Joins rank) gg-rank Tester (Leaves rank) gg-rank create Tester gg-rank delete Tester gg-rank list


Aliases: None Description: Lists some stats about the guild. Usage: gg-stats


Aliases: tags Description: Create and access custom tags for the guild Usage: gg-tag (create/delete/update/list) <tag information (if create/update)> Examples: gg-tag create nice wow thats cool (Tag title will be 'nice', information will be 'wow thats cool') gg-tag delete nice (Deletes tag titled 'nice' if it exists) gg-tag update nice wow thats uncool (Updates tag titled 'nice' with new information 'wow thats uncool') gg-tag list (Will list all currently created tags) gg-tag nice (Will display tag information pertaining to tag 'nice')


Aliases: info, userinfo Description: See information about a user. Usage: gg-whois <user>



Aliases: filt Description: Create a custom filter for your guild. Currently disabled. Usage: gg-filter (remove/list) <word> Examples: gg-filter heck (Adds the word 'heck' to the filter.) gg-filter list (Lists all filtered words in the guild.) gg-filter remove heck (Removes the word 'heck' from the filter, if its in it)


Aliases: configuration, setup Description: Access the bots config Usage: gg-setup <argument> <key>


Aliases: Description: Set a custom welcome message for the guild. Usage: gg-welcome (disable/embed/text/test) <welcome message> Examples: gg-welcome Welcome to the Discord! (Users will be DM'd this message upon joining the guild.) gg-welcome embed (Sets the welcome message to be sent via an embed. Default option) gg-welcome text (Sets the welcome message to be sent via plain text.) gg-welcome disable (Deletes the welcome message and disables it.) gg-welcome test (DMs you the welcome message, in either the specified embed or text message.)

Last updated